1962 Chevrolet Impala

VIN: 21847J246040

Introducing the timeless 1962 Chevrolet Impala, a classic coupe that not only embodies the elegance of the early ’60s but also packs a punch under the hood. Cloaked in a sleek Black exterior and adorned with a vibrant Red interior, this iconic Impala is a true representation of style and performance. Powering this Impala is a robust 409/409 engine with dual carburetors, a powerhouse that echoes the spirit of high-performance driving from the early ’60s. Paired with a 4-speed manual transmission, each gear shift becomes a tactile connection to the road, inviting enthusiasts to relish in the exhilaration of pure driving. As a 1962 model, this Chevrolet Impala not only showcases the distinctive design elements of its era but also stands as a testament to its meticulous preservation, boasting a recorded mileage of 3,084 miles. The coupe body style, draped in the sleek Black exterior, not only exudes sophistication but also pays homage to an era where cars were a canvas for bold expression. The 1962 Chevrolet Impala isn’t just a car; it’s a rolling testament to automotive history, inviting enthusiasts to step back in time and savor the unmatched elegance and power that defined the early days of this iconic Chevrolet model.


3,084 Miles

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    20998 US-80, Lake,MS 39092
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